How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Their Bed & Why They’re Doing It 27 Dec 2023

How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Their Bed & Why They’re Doing It

As much as we love our furry friends, we don’t really appreciate the tearing up of their beds. If your pet sees their bed as a chew toy rather than somewhere to sleep, there are steps you can take to stop them from constantly gnawing on it.

Whether your pup has just started to display these behavioural signs or it’s something they’ve always done, putting a stop to their tendencies is better late than never.

We’ve broken down the most common reasons why dogs chew their beds and laid out our top advice for how to stop it.

Does your dog chew their bed, too? Read our latest post on understanding why your dog chews their bed & how to stop it.

Why Do Dogs Chew Their Beds?

Understanding why dogs chew their beds will make it easier for you to determine the best course of action for preventing their behaviour.

Their chewing can be a sign of various underlying issues – ranging from stress, boredom, or even medical conditions.

How Age Influences Chewing Habits

Like humans, dogs go through different developmental stages, and their chewing habits can often reflect these stages.

Puppies experience a teething period where their need to chew intensifies. This is largely because chewing provides relief from the discomfort associated with new teeth coming through. It's during this period that they may start chewing on their beds.

As dogs mature into adulthood, this teething-related chewing typically subsides. However, we all know from experience that this isn’t always the case. Some dogs will continue to chew their bed well into adulthood, which could then indicate underlying issues – we have more on this later.

Elderly dogs may also chew as a result of discomfort from dental issues or as a coping mechanism for ailments like arthritis. Understanding these age-related inclinations can help in introducing appropriate redirection methods.

Common Triggers of Bed Chewing in Dogs

There are several common triggers that can prompt a dog to chew its bed. Some of the most common triggers include:

  • Stress and anxiety are among the most prevalent of these. Dogs, like humans, can experience stress and anxiety, which they often express through physical behaviours – in this case, chewing their bed.
  • A new environment, separation from their owners, or loud noises like fireworks can trigger these feelings in dogs, leading them to chew on their beds for comfort.
  • Boredom and lack of mental stimulation also play a significant role. Dogs are active and intelligent creatures and require regular mental and physical exercise. In lack thereof, they can resort to destructive behaviours, including bed chewing, to alleviate their boredom or excess energy.
  • Dietary deficiencies are another potential trigger. If a dog's diet lacks essential nutrients, they might start chewing on non-food items, including their beds.
  • Inadequate puppy training can also lead to bed chewing, which is why reinforcement from a young age is so important. If dogs aren't properly trained to understand that certain behaviours are unacceptable, they may chew their beds out of ignorance.

If you are concerned by your dog’s chewing behaviour, or they’re beginning to chew items in the home other than their dog bed, you should contact your vet or a behaviourist for specialist advice.

How to Stop a Dog from Chewing Their Bed

While it may seem daunting at first, there are indeed effective measures available that can deter dogs from chewing their bed before it escalates and you need to call in professional advice.

It's important to remember that these strategies often require patience and consistency, as changes in behaviour do not happen overnight.

Once you have a clear understanding of what triggers your dog's chewing, a tailored approach can be implemented that addresses these specific reasons.

How to stop your dog from chewing their bed:

  1. Redirect their behavior with toys
  2. Invest in calming products
  3. Ensure they’re getting enough exercise
  4. Buy a good-quality & tough dog bed

1. Redirect Their Behaviour With Dog Toys

Image by photology2000 via

To address destructive chewing in dogs, redirect their attention to appropriate chew toys. ‘Indestructable’ chew toys are designed to endure biting force, provide engagement, and satisfy their chewing instinct.

Introducing a variety of chew toys can be helpful, too. Our dogs have a toy box full of different types of toys, including stuffed animals and tough rubber chewies. You can rotate the toys you leave out every week so that your pup is constantly stimulated. Or, you can leave the toy box out so they can take out whichever toy they want to play with at that particular time.

By offering up an alternative chew source, they might soon remember that their bed is a place for rest not play.

2. Invest in Calming Products

Calming products like diffusers or synthetic dog pheromone products help combat destructive behaviours such as bed chewing, especially if they're the result of compulsive chewing disorder.

These products contain synthetic versions of dog-appeasing pheromones (DAP), which nursing mother dogs produce to comfort their puppies. Exposure to DAP helps dogs of all ages feel more relaxed, reducing stress-induced destructive behaviours.

These can come in the form of:

  • Diffusers release these calming pheromones into the environment, creating a soothing atmosphere that reduces anxiety and prevents bed chewing.
  • Sprays can be applied to areas of concern.
  • Toys can contain calming essence, which will cause your pup to calm down when they chew the toy.

However, remember that calming products should be part of a holistic approach to managing destructive chewing. This includes mental and physical stimulation, a consistent routine, and a well-balanced diet.

Consult your vet or a pet behaviour professional when introducing new calming products to your pet's routine.

Ensure They're Getting Enough Exercise & Stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are key in preventing destructive chewing habits in dogs. Active breeds, in particular, need ample physical activity to burn off energy. Without it, this pent-up energy can lead to destructive behaviours like bed chewing.

To alleviate this, regular walks, interactive games, and outdoor playtime are essential.

Mental stimulation is equally important. Dogs thrive on problem-solving and learning new commands. You can keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom – a common trigger for problem chewing with things such as

  • Interactive toys
  • Training sessions
  • Puzzle feeders

Finding a balance between physical exercise and mental stimulation reduces the need for destructive chewing. Not only does this protect your belongings, but it also contributes to a happier, healthier, and more satisfied canine companion.

Replace Their Dog Bed With a High-Quality & Tough One

One easy way to stop your dog from wrecking their bed is to provide them with one that their teeth won’t easily rip through.

Steer clear of soft materials, like polyester or wool, because these don’t take much force to tear apart. Instead, opt for dog beds made from tough materials, like our Trojan Dog Beds.

We created this collection with chewing dogs in mind, using ballistic nylon to craft the outer cover and premium polyester inserts to provide optimal support and cushioning. Ballistic nylon is incredibly tough and hardwearing – the material is even used by the Police and Army to make their bullet and stab-proof vests, so your dog’s canines will have a tricky time getting through these beds.

In fact, dog parents hail our Trojan range as one of the most durable dog beds out there, so they’ve been tried, tested, and certified by those who need them most.

Not only are they super tough, but the outer cover is waterproof and dirt-proof, so you can easily wipe or hose the bed down after a messy trek through the fields.

Our Full Trojan Dog Bed Range
Trojan Cosy & Cosy Plus Beds
  • Square-shaped high-sided beds
  • Filled with polyester balled fibre
  • Sizes from Cosy small (56x56cm) to Cosy giant (100x100cm) and Cosy Plus medium (56x72cm) to Cosy Plus XL (72x100cm)
Trojan Mattresses
  • Mattress-style beds
  • Filled with polyester balled fibre
  • Sizes from small (50x70cm) to giant (100x150cm)
Trojan Box Beds
  • Box-shaped beds
  • Filled with polyester balled fibre
  • Sizes from small (56x56cm) to large (86x86cm)
Trojan Corner Beds
  • Quarter-shaped beds designed to fit up against the corner of a room
  • Filled with polyester balled fibre
  • Sizes from small (56x56cm) to large (86x86cm)
Trojan Fold-Away Beds
  • Mattress-style dog bed that can be folded over
  • Features over-shoulder handle
  • Filled with polyester balled fibre
  • One size: 100cm x 70cm when open, 50cm x 70cm when folded.


Shop Our Full Trojan Dog Beds Range

Seek Professional Input from Your Vet

If chewing persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult a professional vet for a comprehensive evaluation.

Destructive chewing may indicate underlying health or behavioural issues, such as dental problems, nutritional deficiencies, or anxiety disorders, and a vet can provide guidance on managing stress or anxiety in dogs, including behavioural therapies or medications if necessary.

Remember, your vet is your partner in your pet's well-being, so seek their advice if you're concerned about your dog's chewing behaviour.

Summary: Why & How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Their Bed

Understanding and addressing a dog's chewing behaviour is integral to its well-being and to your peace of mind as a home pet owner. Triggers can be age-related, stress-induced, due to dietary deficiencies, or lack of sufficient physical or mental stimulation.

By offering an enriching environment, a consistent routine, and the right diet, along with redirecting chewing to appropriate toys, owners can significantly curb this destructive behaviour. However, in case of persistent issues, it's advisable to consult a vet.

Now that you're equipped with this knowledge, you can provide your furry friend with a safe space to sleep! Check out our range of Trojan Dog Beds today, and head over to our blog for more dog bed advice.


A dog bed made from hardwearing materials is the best and safest option for preventing your dog from chewing up their sleep space. Our Trojan Dog Bed range is trusted and loved by dog owners across the UK who have a tendency to chew. The ballistic nylon cover is brilliantly tough, making it very difficult for your dog to get their teeth through. We have 5 styles to choose from, including high-sided and mattress beds, so there’s something to suit all pups.

If your dog continues to chew its bed despite efforts to deter this behaviour, it is advisable to consult a vet. Persistent chewing may be a sign of underlying health or behavioural issues that need professional attention, especially in adult dogs.

Yes, certain breeds are naturally more inclined to chew due to their historical roles. Breeds such as the Labradors, Golden Retriever, and Border Collie are known for their strong chewing tendencies. This doesn't mean that you can't train your dog not to chew their bed or that their chewing isn't a sign of something more serious.

Yes, a dog's diet can significantly influence its chewing behaviour. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to destructive chewing. It's essential to provide a balanced diet catered to your dog's age, size, and breed type to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.